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- =============================================================================
- More colors on the Worbench Screen (The sequel) 11/25/87
- By David M. Pochron
- (aka: The MCP)
- =============================================================================
- --------
- Here it is! What I thought originally would imvolve complex routines to
- open and close the WorkBench screen with more bitplanes and such, only
- required minimal programming. The OS in the Amiga is so versatile, it took
- the changes with open arms. (er, almost, that is)
- Nevertheless, eight colors (or more) is possible on all Amigas now, with
- or without the KickStart in ROM. (That means you, Amiga 500 & 2000 owners!)
- The program ties into the screen structures and just appends a new bitplane on
- to it. That's it! The program can be executed at any time during the session,
- so you need not even alter the Startup-Sequence, (though that is the best
- time to activate the program)
- The programs included with this ARC file are all 100% assembly language
- so the code is quite small. (Besides, I love assembly language!)
- -------------------------------
- ARCed Name: Should be named as: Description:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Planes BitPlanes Program that makes 8/16 color WB!
- Planes.info BitPlanes.info Icon for the above program
- Readme Readme This file (duh!)
- Readme.info Readme.info Nice 8 color project icon for the file
- Disk.info Disk.info 3 bitplane disk icon
- Trash.info Trashcan.info 3 bitplane trashcan icon
- CLI.info CLI.info Alternate icon for CLI. (3 bitplanes)
- Drawer.info Drawer.info 3 bitplane drawer icon
- Setcolor SetColor Program to set color registers 0-15
- Savecolor SaveColor Program to save the colors currently
- being used on the WB screen
- Lauren.info Lauren.info *4* bitplane icon (the famous "Lauren"
- pic, courtesy of NewTek's Digi-View!)
- (with help from Butcher & Dpaint II!)
- --------------------------
- The BitPlanes program, which changes the number of bitplanes on the screen
- can be called from CLI or from Workbench. When using it from CLI, (the best
- place to use it) the format for the call is:
- BITPLANES [n] (where n is a value from 3 to 8)
- For now, the only real "legal" values you can use are 3 or 4. A three will
- give you 8 colors, and a four will give you a maximum of 16 colors. If you
- give no value, it defaults to 3 bitplanes. If you have already installed the
- extra bitplanes and run the program again, any value passed in is ignored and
- the screen is toggled back to 2 bitplanes again. (the normal WorkBench screen)
- If you run this program from WorkBench by clicking on its icon, you can
- get a 16 color WB screen by keeping the left mouse button pressed after you
- double-click the icon. The program isn't going to take too long to load so
- you had better be fast! If you only want 8 colors, just double-click the icon
- and make sure the left mouse button is not pressed while the program executes.
- Again, if you run this program again after more colors have been installed,
- it will toggle back to a 4 color WorkBench screen no matter whether you are
- keeping the button depressed or not.
- After the extra bitplanes are installed, it will probably be necessary to
- use the "Redraw" function under the Workbench "Special" menu, so all the
- icons are re-rendered in their full colors.
- Still, the best place to execute this program is at the beginning of a
- startup-sequence, since the WorkBench usually hasn't been loaded so all the
- menus and icons will come up rendered properly. Also, if you add bitplanes
- after a huge hunk of chip memory has been allocated by another program, and
- then that program deallocates that memory, the extra bitplanes will end up
- sitting like and island in the middle of chip memory. Not a good situation!
- One other note: this program works FINE with interlaced workbench
- screens!
- Finally, this program automatically sets the first 16 color registers to
- the values my icons included with this arc file need. If you want a different
- set of colors, use the Set&SaveColor programs (see below) or use a disk
- editor (like NewZap) and edit the RGB values. The data for these values is
- CLEARLY marked in the file as to where they begin, so changing the values
- should be no problem.
- Note that the color registers are set WHENEVER the program is run - even
- when it is toggling back to 2 bitplanes, so keep that in mind.
- An interesting side effect: If you have another screen open at the time
- this program is run, the bitplanes will be modified for THAT screen! Don't
- know yet if this could serve any useful purpose, but it is interesting!
- ----------------------
- These programs are similar to the Set & Save color programs included in
- the original KickStart mod, except they set all colors from 0 to 15. They
- still use the file "Color.palette" as the source & destination file. Since
- the BitPlanes program automatically sets the colors when it is run, these two
- files are actually not really necessary. I included them just in case you
- didn't have a disk editor to change the default colors in BitPlanes and you
- wanted your own set of colors. (You will need a program like PopColors,
- however, to set your own RGB values on the screen before saving them.)
- -------------------------
- Obviously, you can't use the existing icon editor anymore if you want to
- create icons with more than four colors. Until someone writes an icon editor
- with a variable # of bitplanes, a utility to make IFF brushes into icons will
- usually do the trick. Some icon zappers (as they are called) won't create
- icons with more than 3 bitplanes, so depending on the icon zapper you have,
- you may be limited to just 8-color icons.
- To make Lauren an icon, I used DigiView 2.0 to convert her to a B&W image,
- then went to Dpaint II and removed the background. I then used Butcher to fit
- the image into the color registers I wanted and finally used an icon zapper
- written in BASIC from a recent Compute! magazine. (Which did convert 4
- bitplane brushes to icons just fine.)
- CAVEAT EMPTOR: (or let the user beware!)
- -------------
- Okay, as in the text that went with my previous KickStart mod, some icons
- don't work quite right when extra bitplanes are added. Also, backfill doesn't
- work with icons having more than 2 bitplanes. All 2 bitplane icons work fine
- with the mod, though animated ones won't show when they are dragged - add a
- bitplane to 'em and they'll work fine. Again, although the OS exhibits no
- real problems when more planes are added, if you run it from an icon, the
- menus may not get rendered properly the first few times they are used. Also,
- if a window is covering a CLI window when the program is run from an icon,
- garbage will appear in part of the CLI window that was covered. Drag &
- resize the CLI window to clear out this garbage. (If you run the program at
- the beginning of a startup-sequence, none of these rendering problems will
- occur, of course!)
- The biggest caveat is the fact that although the program will let you have
- 4 bitplanes on a WorkBench screen, the computer slows down to a speed that
- makes it almost unusable. Use 4 bitplanes only for demoing purposes.
- (ie: "wow" your Mac & ST friends by inserting a disk and having your
- digitized face come up as the disk icon!) Use 3 bitplanes for normal computer
- use. If you really need digitized icons during normal everyday use, consider
- setting the first 8 color registers to 8 shades of grey and then use dithering
- to get 16 shades. This should look even better than the Lauren icon, as it
- only uses *12* of 16 shades available on the Amiga.
- -----
- Okay, this program is almost as "PD" as "PD" can get. You can hack at it
- all you like, include it in commercial software with no fees whatsoever, and
- pass it around as you like. (in fact, I encourage it!) The only thing I ask is
- you not change the credits & version info located within the BitPlane program
- itself. This text file you are reading does not need to be included with any
- commercial software the BitPlane program is used with. People uploading this
- ARC file to other BBSes, however, ought to leave this document intact,
- included with the other files.
- The icons, of course, are free for everyone to use - even Commodore-Amiga
- in their Amiga 3000! (grin)
- (PS: except Lauren - I don't know how NewTek would take to seeing their
- picture show up in someone else's commercial software!)
- -------------------
- The first thing I'd like to do is to remove the "toggle back to 2
- bitplanes" when run from CLI and instead have the user just enter the # of
- bitplanes they want on the screen - any number from 1-8! No hassle, no fuss.
- Also, I hope to have it check for a Color.palette file and load it if it
- finds one. That way, the user wouldn't have to use separate program to set
- his own preferences for the color registers. Other future enhancements may
- include a color palette editor built-in and a # of bitplanes requester for
- WorkBench users. If you have any suggestions (or, heaven forbid!) find a bug,
- you can reach me on CompuServe via _EMAIL_ (I don't get on too often, and
- messages on the Amigaforum scroll off so quickly!) at user # 72517,2102. Or,
- a much faster way is to call one of the following BBSes:
- S.A.R. BBS 305-266-6178 Leave message to "THE MCP *SYSOP*"
- -or-
- VikenHolm BBS 305-258-0862 Leave message to "THE MCP"
- (note: call here _ONLY_ between 5PM and 7AM EST)
- That's all for now! Enjoy having more colors on Workbench! Who knows...a HAM
- WorkBench might just be around the corner!
- - David M. Pochron